Industrial Finish Coatings

#500 EarthCoat Concrete Sealer

COLOR(S): Water White.

PRODUCT TYPE: Reactive concrete sealer.

DESCRIPTION: EarthCoat Concete Sealer is a ready to use, internal reactive sealer, formulated for maximum penetration and sealing of capillaries in concrete and cementitious substrates. EarthCoat Concrete Sealer penetrates deep (up to 4 inches), chemically reacts, bonds and strengthens concrete, sealing it against liquids, vapors and gases. It is water based, non-flammable, non-toxic, safe, and easy to apply.



TIME TO RECOAT: 12 hours

WEIGHT PER GALLON: 9.15 lbs. per gal.

V.O.C.: 0 grams per liter


PACKAGING: 1 gallon and 5 gallon

PRACTICAL COVERAGE: 150-200 sq. ft. per gallon, dependent on substrate porosity and composition.

SURFACE PREPARATION: Before painting concrete: Use to permanently seal porous surfaces including concrete floors, walls, walks, patios, steps and swimming pools. Best when used at full strength and applied to damp surfaces free of standing water. Spray on at a rate of 150-200 square feet per gallon using a mechanical or hand pump sprayer. Do not use in hot direct sunlight or on hot surfaces. Under ideal conditions, apply one to three coats 24 hours apart. Allow final coat to cure a minimum of 72 hours with good ventilation before painting. Exceptionally high hydrostatic pressure, cold temperatures and other adverse conditions may combine to extend cure time to as long as 30 days. Do not apply when surface temperature is below or soon to drop below freezing. Not intended to be applied over sealers or painted surfaces. Exceptionally porous surfaces may require additional applications to achieve a thorough seal. Thoroughly remove any residue before applying paint or coatings.

APPLICATION: Spray, brush or roll.

THINNING: None necessary.

CLEAN-UP: Tools and equipment may be cleaned with warm soapy water.

LIMITED WARRANTY. To the best of our knowledge, the technical data presented above is true and accurate at the date of issuance and subject to change without prior notice. Farwest Paint Manufacturing Co. guarantees its products to conform to its standards of quality control. Liability is limited to replacement of product. No other warranty or guarantee of any kind is made by Farwest Paint Manufacturing, implied or otherwise.