Deck Coatings
X-6954 Series jarvigrip™ Non-Skid Epoxy Deck Coating
(X-6954 Gray/X-6951 Red, #313)
COLOR(S): Gray, Red, Clear, White and Tints.
PRODUCT TYPE: 2 Component Polyester Epoxy Coating
DESCRIPTION: A non-slip, non-skid polyester-epoxy, high performance, two component, catalyst-cured coating with excellent chemical resistance. It has the added feature of excellent gloss retention on exexterior exposures. Available in gloss, semi-gloss and eggshell finishes.
Intended Use: For metal, wood, or masonry. Excellent for decks, porches, walkways, ramps, steps, boat decks, bridgeways, high traffic floors, and numerous other industrial applications.
VISCOSITY: 85-90 k.u. (mixed)
DRY TO TOUCH: 1 hour
WEIGHT SOLIDS: 73-75% (mixed)
TACK FREE: 8 hours
VOLUME SOLIDS: 60-62% (mixed)
DRY HARD: 24 hours
WEIGHT PER GALLON: 12.85 lbs. per gal. (mixed)
TIME TO RECOAT: 24 hours
V.O.C.: 345 grams per liter (mixed)
COLOR RANGE: Clear, White and Tints
PACKAGING: 1 or 5 gallon containers
BATCH: Stock
PRACTICAL COVERAGE: 75 sq. ft. per gal. @ 20% loss.
POT LIFE: 8 hours @ 70° F.
SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove dirt, grease and foreign materials. Surface must be completely dry. A prime coat may be necessary. Sandblasting is recommended on bare metal surfaces, especially on marine and industrial exposures. Recommended primer for wood or metal: Farwest X-4959 Red Lacquer Proof Primer or Farwest X-4985 White Lacquer Proof Primer. Recommended primer for concrete masonry or metal: Farwest X-6390/X6392 Fast-Dry Epoxy Primer. Also, jarvigrip can be self priming depending on type of substrate.
APPLICATION: Brush or roller. MIXING INSTRUCTION: Mix equal parts of Component A with Component B by volume. Let stand for 30 minutes before applying. Mix only enough for each days use.
THINNING: No thinning is necessary or recommended.
CLEAN-UP: Equipment and tools may be cleaned with Farwest #605 Synthetic Thinner or Farwest #610 Lacquer Thinner.
LIMITED WARRANTY. To the best of our knowledge, the technical data presented above is true and accurate at the date of issuance and subject to change without prior notice. Farwest Paint Manufacturing Co. guarantees its products to conform to its standards of quality control. Liability is limited to replacement of product. No other warranty or guarantee of any kind is made by Farwest Paint Manufacturing, implied or otherwise.